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Wednesday Short Story - Prompt - Pumpkin

Pumpkin Shell and Plastic Corn Soup   Ingredients: 1. One ounce pumpkin shell (broken or whole) 2. Two tablespoons coral powder 3. Three cups plastic corns (recommended recycled Xeplometrowynelol plastic) 4. 11 ounces of water (synthetic works fine) 5. One spoon sea sand to taste Process: Mix ingredients and bring to a boil. Serve hot while plastic corn is still melted. "Mommy can we make this for my birthday tomorrow?" asked little Tanya as she settled down at the table. "I'm not sure, honey. Pumpkin skin really expensive, I don't know if we can afford enough for soup." said her mother thoughtfully as she placed a bowl in front of her daughter. "Oh." said Tanya as she looked down at the soup they were having today. It was the cheapest food they could find in the 22nd century ---plastic soup with cockroach scales. "Mommy tell me the story of my great great great great aunt Greta again." said Tanya picking up her spoon and forgetting all a